Thursday, 4 August 2011

Yoga For Common Diseases


Yoga For Common Diseases

yoga for common diseases Yoga has been found & proven to be helpful in the prevention & cure of various diseases.

Yoga and Memory
 This faculty of memory or remembrance power does the job of storing a thought process about on object or subject in a subtle way and when necessary it does the work of supplying the desired information. Yoga assists in improving the memory power, with yogic techniques of concentration and meditation. The brain functions of attention, cognition, processing of sensory information and visual perception are sharpened up with yogic practices.
Yoga calms the mind and improves concentration by increasing the circulation of blood to the brain through its asanas, pranayama, meditation and Om chanting. Memory lapses can also be prevented through yogic practices that enhance the power of recall. One can access the gigantic power of the mind with regular yoga practice. Yoga also helps to achieve clarity of the mind, which transforms into good comprehensive health.
Yogic Treatment

Meditation on the third eye or on the point between the eyebrows helps to activate the brain and develop memory power.

OM chanting:
                        AUMUtterance of A stimulates the spinal cord.
                                  Utterance of U stimulates the thyroid glands.
                                  Utterance of M stimulates the brain and its centers.

Sitting in Siddhasana or Swastikasana, Vajrasana or simple cross-legged posture, keeping back and spinal column vertically straight, promotes the blood flow to stomach, heart and head. Thereby the nervous and infor­mation system of the head gets stron­ger.
Practice of Shirshasana and Sarvangasana makes a man highly intelli­gent. In both these Asanas whole body gets into an over­turned (inverted) posture, thereby with the least efforts heart can pump blood towards the head. The inverted postures nourish the brain with increased blood supply and supply of oxygen to the cells that help in developing memory.
Deep breathing in pranayama increases the flow of life force and oxygen to the parts of body and the brain, enhancing memory power
Excessive thinking drains the mental energy of a person. Meditation clears the mind of unwanted thoughts keeping the mind calm and free of tension.
The vibration of Om recharges the cells and organs of the body with energy. Om chanting helps to rejuvenate our consciousness and improve memory power.

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